qualche giorno prima dell’inizio dell’olympia weekend, il giornalista frank zane, un bodybuilder americano, ha postato un breve post sui social, in cui ha annunciato che nei prossimi mesi, verrà ripubblicata la rivista Muscle & Fitness.
guarda una foto del nuovo numero della rivista muscle & fitness

come sicuramente ricorderete, questa storia rivista dedicata all’allenamento e al bodybuilding, con il tempo e con l’avvento dei social, ha avuto grossi problemi finanziari, come tutta l’editoria, e per diversi anni non è stato pubblicato nessun numero.
quando Jack wood, ha deciso di acquistare il mister olympia, ha anche acquistato la rivista muscle & fitness e ha annunciato che prima o poi questa storia rivista di bodybuilding sarebbe tornata ad essere pubblicata.
il messaggio sui social di Frank Sepe
frank sepe scrive:
Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce the release of the latest “PRINT” issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine, featuring an exclusive cover story titled “Team Sleeveless.” This incredible issue showcases the talents of our cover models: superhero fitness trainer @donsaladino , fitness icon and trainer @frank_sepe , and the creators of the popular Muscle & Fitness Live Show “Sleeveless,” including @maria_modafit
The cover photo and feature were expertly captured by photographer @eschultz , and we want to extend a huge congratulations to Editor in Chief @zraz for his amazing job on this issue. Packed with entertaining and informative fitness content, it’s a must-read for all fitness enthusiasts.
To celebrate this release, we’re giving away FREE copies of the magazine at the Muscle & Fitness Booth during the 2023 Mr. Olympia event in Orlando, Florida. Make sure to visit the Olympia World Fitness Expo on Friday and Saturday, November 3-4, at the Orange County Convention Center. The doors will open to the public at 10am at the OCCC West Concourse. Expo passes will be available at the door or can be purchased online at MrOlympia.com.
We would like to express our special thanks to @jake_wood_media , @dansolomon_official for their support and making this issue a reality.
Thanks to all the writers, editors and entire Muscle & Fitness Team. @patycanas
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get your hands on a copy of Muscle & Fitness magazine and be inspired by these fitness superheroes, including Frank Sepe and Don Saladino. Stay tuned for more exciting updates! #muscleandfitness #printcover #model #mastertrainer #superheroes #franksepe #donsaladino #zackzeigler
il post su instagram
muscle & fitness in Italia?
per il momento è difficile pensare se nei prossimi anni la rivista muscle & fitness tornerà ad essere tradotta in italiano e distribuita nelle edicole.
appena avremo maggiori informazioni, saremo sicuramente felici di condividerle con voi. stay tuned!