Oggi, 7 maggio 2020, il campione inglese Luke Sandoe pro ifbb è venuto a mancare. Una tragica notizia, per un ragazzo giovanissimo. RIPOSA IN PACE, Big Luke. Sarai sempre nei nostri cuori.
In queste ore noi del blog siamo venuti a conoscenza che il campione britannico Luke Sandoe, pro ifbb e terzo all’Arnold Classic Ohio 2019 è venuto a mancare.
guarda una foto di Luke Sandoe Pro ifbb
Nel momento in cui scriviamo questo articolo, non abbiamo informazioni precise sul come sia successa questa tragedia. Scriveremo un altro articolo, solo quando ci saranno fonti certe e verranno chiarite tutti i fatti.
La cosa più triste, nel scrivere questo articolo è che Luke Sandoe, la promessa del bodybuilding inglese è morto all’età di 30 anni. Luke è troppo giovane per morire.
guarda un paio di foto del campione Luke Sandoe pro ifbb
abbiamo scritto molti articoli su Luke Sandoe e abbiamo visto molti video che ha postato su youtube in questi anni, e la sensazione che abbiamo sempre avuto, noi del blog è sempre stata una sola: LUKE SANDOE ERA UNA PERSONA MOLTO SOLARE CHE TRASMETTEVA MOLTA SIMPATIA.
guarda una foto di Luke Sandoe pro ifbb
guarda le gare di luke sandoe pro ifbb
British Championships – IFBB, Super-HeavyWeight, 6th
British Championships – IFBB, Overall Winner
British Championships – IFBB, Super-HeavyWeight, 1st
Arnold Classic – IFBB, Open, 8th
Vancouver Pro Championships – IFBB, Open, 13th
Arnold Classic Australia – IFBB, 6th
California Pro – IFBB, 15th
Indy Pro – IFBB, Open, 3rd
Arnold Classic – IFBB, Bodybuilding, 3rd
Arnold Classic Australia – IFBB, 5th
Indy Pro – IFBB, Open, 4th
Olympia – IFBB, Open, 11th
Tampa Pro Championships – IFBB, Open, 2nd
ciao Luke, preferiamo ricordarti in questo modo.
il pensiero dei pro ifbb per Luke
Steve kuclo
I’m in shock and stunned by the news I just received of the passing of the young legend @lukesandoe .Not only would I consider him a close friend in the sport but I was also a fan of him as a bodybuilder and he was always a great sportsman.I pray for his family and the bodybuilding community he so loved.Rest In Peace brother! 🙏🏻❤️
Dexter Jackson
Mannnn!! Where do I even start!?? 🤦🏾♂️ This shit sucks!! First of all it was an honor standing on stage next to @lukesandoe at the @ifbb_pro_league Tampa Pro. I didn’t know much about @lukesandoe up till then. I thought he was a lil cocky leading up to the show but soon found out that you should never judge a book by its cover. He was such a great guy and i am sadden to hear of his passing. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and I hope you’re in a better place my friend. RIP 💔
Digital muscle media
Rest in peace, Luke Sandoe . Kind, funny, good-hearted and gone too soon. Luke finished third in 2019 Arnold Classic and co-hosted the 2020 Arnold Classic Webcast.He will be missed. 💔
Milos sarcev
I woke up to this tragic news and I am in state of shock. Our brother of iron Luke Sandoe @lukesandoe died at the age of 31. My sincere condolences to his family, loved ones and especially his 15 year old daughter and 8 year old son. RIP Luke 🙏🏻❤️💪🏻. You’ll always live in my heart. (The last time we saw each other at the 2020 Arnold Classic 😔)
Rich gaspari
It’s very sad to hear of the tragic loss of @lukesandoe He was only 31 With a huge career in front of him. He was a #Gaspari athlete at one time and I knew him personally and he was a gentleman. I send my condolences to his family. #rip
Flex wheeler
IM JUST SPEECHLESS‼️‼️💔😥RIP @lukesandoe 💔😥
RIP @lukesandoe 💔I am truly at a loss for words right now. Sending my prayers and thoughts to all his family and loved ones. I heard so many great things about Luke and although I didn’t know him personally he was always someone I looked up to & we knew a lot of the same people. Rest In Peace brother 🙏
George Farah
Oh my I am choked trying to write about the passing of this amazing young man 😢 IFBB PRO LUKE SANDOE. Last time I saw him was at the Arnold’s we talked for a bit between interviews about how amazing Dexter looked for his age and my reply is as that he can be the same at his age doing the right things 🥺 I still can’t believe it. Such a great loss for the sport that we all love. Luke is going to be missed tremendously. Please let us all say a prayers to his family in their darkest moments and ask God to give them the gift of love to sustain in their broken hearts. R.I.P Champ 🙏
Brandon curry
@lukesandoe I’m in complete shock right now. Wishing the news was just more fake news today, but sadly it’s not. Always had a good time around you and was excited to watch you progress in life and in your career.My thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to your family, friends and loved ones.You will be sorely missed both in and off the stage. Rest peacefully my man.
Kris Dim
Found out that our bodybuilding brother @lukesandoe passed away today. Condolence goes out to him and his family. RIP 😂#bodybuilding #rip #ifbbpro
il video tributo dedicato a Luke Sandoe pro ifbb del canale MAKAVELI
il video tributo dedicato a Luke Sandoe pro ifbb del canale VARYJER MOTIVATION
la raccolta fondi per i figli di Luke Sandoe pro ifbb
Luke Sandoe ( 30 anni ) lascia 2 figli. Per questo motivo, il pro ifbb Fouad Abiad, ha deciso di raccogliere dei soldi per i figli del pro ifbb inglese.
This gofundme is set up in memory of Luke Sandoe for his children. Luke was a great father, a great person and great bodybuilder who inspired many people to change their lives.
Please try to contribute even if its just $5 to this gofundme in
appreciation for Luke and all that he has done for our sport. 100% of
the funds will be deposited directly to the family and will not be used
for anything but his families needs.
Thank you all for showing your love and support, we all will miss and
remember Luke for the amazing person he was.Thank you,
The Hardcore Team