news from justin compton pro ifbb
Quali sono gli obbiettivi di Justin Compton? lo rivedremo sul palco? continuerà a gareggiare?
qualche giorno fa, ho postato un articolo dedicato a Justin Compton pro ifbb in cui ho raccontato che da qualche tempo, Justin ha deciso di abbandonare il bodybuilding pro ifbb, infatti quest’anno non lo abbiamo visto sul palco di nessuna competizione pro ifbb.
il suo nuovi obbiettivi
pochi giorni dopo questo post, Justin Compton ha scritto sul suo profilo facebook la sua situazione o meglio ci da delle indicazioni su come la sua vita si svolgerà nell’immediato.
Cosa è successo a Justin?
Per prima cosa, Justin Compton racconta che lo scorso anno ( nel 2016 ) ha gareggiato in ben 6 pro show e per raggiungere questo obbiettivo ha fatto 13 mesi di dieta non stop. In questo periodo Justin ha anche avuto diversi malori che lo hanno costretto ad andare in ospedale. Questo ovviamente lo ha fatto riflettere e ha capito che il palco e le gare resteranno sempre parte della sua vita, ma oggi ha anche capito che ha altri obbiettivi e che vuole realizzare nuove sfide.
i nuovi obbiettivi
Una di questa è quella di diventare un preparatore e di aiutare gli altri a gareggiare visto che conosce molto bene il mondo delle gare e del bodybuilding. Tra i prossimi obbiettivi c’è anche quello di costruirsi una famiglia.
ecco il messaggio originale che ha postato su facebook:
Over the past few months a lot of people have been asking me about my return to the stage. The answer right now is I haven’t made any plans on doing this in the near future. I competed in a total of 6 shows last year, which put me dieting for 13 months straight which mentally took a major toll on me. Then earlier this year I dealt with several illnesses and ended up being hospitalized (a couple times😡. Being on the side lines for awhile has kind of been a blessing in disguise for me because it has opened up my mind in regards to what I want and truly need in life. The stage will always be there, but it is not currently serving a purpose in my life at the moment. During this time away from the stage, I’ve already learned to enjoy a lot of different things in life that were not possible for me when I was competing. My passion for bodybuilding and helping others reach their goals has led me to start coaching more athletes. I am also looking forward to one day starting a family and opening that chapter of my life (that’s not to say one cannot have both, but I am choosing to stay away from traveling non-stop and spending more time at home). Over a 7 year bodybuilding journey, I’ve encountered a lot of great people that I will be life long friends with and I’ve met several I wish I never would have crossed paths with as well. @tfriedrich3_ifbbpro started out as a client of mine a few years ago and that relationship has turned into a great friendship over the years. Last year when I was prepping Tony, I gave him my recommendations on supplements and brands to use and he insisted on using @1stphorm products on most of the stuff. I had never tried 1st Phorm before, but he’s not a rookie by any means, so he convinced me to try a couple of their products and I was pleasantly surprised! Not only were the products made with the highest quality ingredients available, but the quality control is second to none and it shows! These products have proven to be extremely effective for me especially with what I have been going through so far this year. (I’ll do a follow up post with the products I’ve been using.)👍🏻 All of this brings me back to my initial point. I have not walk.