in questi giorni di fine dicembre 2020, noi del blog, vogliamo presentare il nuovo numero della rivista Muscular Development.
Guarda la cover della rivista Muscular Development di dicembre 2020

muscular development dicembre 2020
Noi del blog, come sicuramente ricorderete siamo abbonati da molti anni a questa prestigiosa rivista del settore del bodybuilding. Ormai, Muscular Development è una delle poche riviste del settore del bodybuilding, che vengono ancora pubblicate.
il ritorno del re
La cover della rivista MD del numero di Dicembre 2020 ha dedicato l’immagine di un bicipite del grande campione della pro league Phil Heath, il qualche come sicuramente ricorderete ha fatto il suo ritorno sul palco del mister olympia 2020, dopo ben 2 anni di assenza. Ma la come sicuramente ricorderete, il campione vincitore di 7 titoli di mister olympia, non è riuscito a portare quel package necessario a vincere la competizione più importante del bodybuilding e a fine serata è arrivato terzo in classifica.
phil heath sul palco del mister olympia 2020 durante il pregara posa di most muscularcome costruire braccia da mister olympia
Ma la rivista muscular development, ha deciso di dedicare questo numero speciale al mister olympia. La cover della copertina, come già detto qualche riga fa, mostra un bicipite e la ragione di questa scelta è che all’interno c’è un lungo articolo su come i migliori vincitori del mister olympia hanno costruito le braccia da campioni. Larry Scott, Sergio Oliva, Arnold, e Ronnie Coleman raccontano i loro segreti in fatto di allenamento per permettere a tutti noi di migliorare questa parte del nostro corpo, una volta che riapriranno le palestre qui in Italia.
l’olympia con gli occhi da fans
Ma oltre a questo c’è un altro interessantissimo articolo, in cui Giles Thomas e Ron Harris, raccontano alcuni aneddoti sul mister olympia nell’arco della loro vita. Questo articolo a noi del blog ci è piaciuto moltissimo, perchè leggendolo, abbiamo capito che Giles Thomas e Ron Harris, giornalisti della rivista MD, oltre ad essere degli “addetti ai lavori”, sono prima di tutto appassionati come noi del blog e come voi lettori. E questa cosa ci unisce.

la statua del mister olympia
la presentazione del numero di Dicembre 2020 di Steve Blechman editore della rivista Muscular Development
2020 has been a year of challenges and obstacles, but the bodybuilding community is forging ahead to present the greatest show in our industry and the biggest weekend of the year in Orlando, FL: the Mr. Olympia contest, part of the 2020 Olympia Weekend that will take place inside Orange County Convention Center and Hyatt Regency Orlando from December 17-20. Kudos to new Olympia owner Jake Wood and Dan Solomon, President and Chief Olympia officer, and Jim Manion, NPC & IFBB Professional League President, for their dedication to bodybuilding and their efforts to give fans the best experience possible.
This Special Olympia Issue of Muscular Development provides a comprehensive preview of this year’s Mr. Olympia bodybuilding competitors, and exclusive photos of the top Bikini athletes. Be sure to follow, bodybuilding’s number one multimedia destination, for updates as Olympia Weekend approaches. I want to thank Jared Wheat, President/CEO of Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, and Hi-Tech for all their support and their sponsorship of our coverage in Orlando, FL.
Our Olympia-caliber lineup in this issue of MD begins with building bigger arms. Some of the very best arms ever built have belonged to the elite few who were crowned Mr. Olympia: Larry Scott. Sergio Oliva, Arnold, and Ronnie. In “Guns of the Olympia!Blast Bi’s and Tri’s Like the Very Best,” we have compiled the routines and top tips from the top contenders heading to Orlando, FL for the 2020 Olympia. Get inspired, learn a thing or two, and of course, get some ideas you can carry to the gym to get your own bi’s and tri’s blowing up!
The Mr. Olympia contest is part of a weekend of athletic competition that is one of the most prestigious fitness industry events in the world. As the mega event of the 2020 Olympia Weekend looms on the horizon, who will be the top contenders in this year’s ultimate muscle showdown? MD has the best in the business, Giles Thomas and Ron Harris, to preview the lineup in Open Bodybuilding, 212 and Classic divisions in MD’s “2020 Olympia Preview.”
Giles and Ron have both been to their fair share of Mr. Olympia contests. Which ones stand out most in their minds, and why? Was it the time Jay Cutler reclaimed his throne, when Dorian Yates looked his best ever, or when Kevin Levrone was kidnapped? For this Special Olympia Issue, Giles and Ron recount their “Greatest Mr. Olympia Memories.”
MD concludes our four-part series on George Peterson as this Redcon1 athlete makes his first run on the 212 Olympia title after three consecutive years placing third there in Classic Physique. George’s coach for over four years, Justin Miller, has chronicled this journey exclusively for MD readers as they prepare for the biggest contest of their lives. Read more in “George ‘Da Bull’ Peterson: Road to The Olympia, Part 4 – The Time Is Now.”
This year’s incredible Olympia lineup includes current Mr. Olympia Brandon Curry, seven-time champion Phil Heath and Big Ramy – and they are among the many great athletes that fans will be anxious to see at this year’s Olympia Weekend. In addition, some of the most fit, shapely and beautiful women in the world will take center stage in Orlando, FL when they compete in the Bikini Olympia. Ace physique photographer J.M. Manion has presented MD readers with exclusive photos this month of Bikini competitors Isa Pecini (Brazil), Janet Layug (USA), Angelica Teixeira (USA), Jennifer Dorie (Canada), Lauralie Chapados (Canada) and Ashley Kaltwasser (USA) in MD’s Bikini Olympia Preview, “The Fittest Women on Earth.”
MD is pleased to present three special features this month highlighting Rising Stars in bodybuilding: Redcon1 athlete James Hollingshead is a new British powerhouse who has been steadily climbing up the ranks. RAW Nutrition’s Nick Walker is a 250-pound freak who recently earned his IFBB Pro card at the North American Championships. And GAT Sport’s Regan Grimes is a Canadian treasure and another young man on the rise, who has returned to Open Bodybuilding where he belongs, who is also competing in this year’s Olympia.
Winning the Mr. Olympia contest is the pinnacle of bodybuilding achievement. Many elements are required to build a champion physique, and every competitor knows the value of good supplementation to optimize the results of their training and present the best physique possible. Muscular Development is proud to present the 2020 Olympia Supplement Showcase, which features proven winners in sports nutrition that will help you to build muscle, burn fat and increase performance. The supplements we are highlighting, which will also be featured online at, come from trusted names in sports nutrition. These products can help take your training to Olympic levels, whether or not you ever step on stage.
Muscular Development is your number one source for building muscle, and for the latest research and best science to enable you to train smart and effectively. Our team of physicians, industry experts and research scientists has these reports on improving performance this month:
“Modern-Day Olympia Fat Loss Stack vs. the ‘90s”Fat Attack
“Whey Protein: Beyond Muscle” Nutrition Performance
“Creatine: the Best Forms” Supplement Performance
“Live Longer With Anabolic Steroids?” Muscle Growth Update
“Best Squatting Techniques for Maximum Muscle Growth” Bodybuilding Science
“Modern-Day Olympia Anabolic Stack vs. the ‘90s” Testosterone
The rest of the book is packed to the binder as usual – making MD your one-stop, most authoritative source for optimizing muscular development with the latest cutting-edge research on training, nutrition, fat loss, performance-enhancing drugs, muscle growth and bodybuilding science – and exclusive information from the industry experts, insiders and bodybuilding legends who make it all happen. See you at Olympia Weekend!