come raccontato in questo articolo pubblicato qualche giorno fa sul nostro blog, il campione della pro league Andy Haman è morto alla giovane età di 55 anni, lo scorso sabato 20 marzo 2021. alla notizia della sua salita in cielo, molte personalità del mondo del bodybuilding hanno scritto un messaggio su facebook per ricordare questo simpatico atleta della pro league, modello delle riviste di fitness e attore.
guarda una foto di Andy Haman pro ifbb
Poche ore dopo la scomparsa, visto il gran numero di messaggi che la moglie di Andy Haman ha ricevuto dove i fans del bodybuilding hanno chiesto come aiutare la sua famiglia, Michelle Haman, ha deciso di avviare una raccolta fondi per pagare le spese del funerale di Andy Haman, e il resto dei soldi verranno usati per pagare l’istruzione della figlia più piccola di Andy.
il testo del messaggio della raccolta fondi
Many people have reached out asking how they can help the Haman family at this difficult time. You may already know that Andy Haman passed on March 19, 2021 due to a pulmonary embolism brought on by an elbow surgery, 3 days prior.
Michelle, Sammy, Daisy, Ruby, and Lucy will miss their ‘hubby’, ‘daddy’, and ‘best friend’, beyond words but will continue to smile, have fun, and be silly to honor his memory.
Andy Haman was an elite collegiate wrestler at the University of Iowa and continued to be an ambassador of the sport that he loved so much. Andy was also an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder who brought fun, silliness, and love to the sport. Andy’s other passion was teaching kids of all ages the joy of physical fitness.
Andy was truly a real life Mr. Incredible. He was always spreading smiles, laugher, and joy wherever he went. Andy made it a priority in his life to visit children’s hospitals whenever he traveled and would be the last person to leave an expo to talk with his fans. His bodybuilding persona was his real life persona. Whether it be teaching his elementary school students dodgeball, or making silly videos with his kids, he was a little kid at heart. He was larger than life, and even in death, he will bring fun memories to all. Click here to watch Andy Guest Posing with his kids
His funeral will be Saturday, March 27 at Our Lady of the Pines, Black Forest Catholic Church. Schedule-10 am: Viewing, 10:30: Stories about Andy, 12pm: Funeral service. The mass will be live streamed on Springs Funeral Home’s website: Details to come.
Andy was such a colorful person and he always said, when he died he didn’t want a sad funeral, he wanted a party sending him off. He would love it if those attending the funeral would wear bright, fun colors. That would make him smile.This memorial fund will be used to pay for funeral expenses and anything over the goal will be used for Andy’s youngest daughter, Lucy’s, college.
The Haman’sGRRR
Crazy, FUN, Always
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come è morto Andy Haman?
in molti ci avete chiesto come è morto andy haman, la moglie nel post su, scrive che Andy si è operato ad un gomito e qualche ora dopo ha avuto un’embolia polmonare, e a causa di questo problema, Andy non è più con noi.