Qualche giorno fa, sui social, il campione pro ifbb Ian Harrison, ha scritto un post nel quale ha informato tutti i fans del bodybuilding delle sue condizioni di salute.
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nasser el sonbaty e ian harrison allenano le spalle insieme
Ian Harrison è un pro ifbb di origine inglese che ha gareggiato per diversi anni nella pro league negli anni 90. All’età di 28 anni, ha deciso di lasciare il bodybuilding professionistico della pro league e di ritirarsi dalle scene del bodybuilding. Ma la passione per Ian Harrison per il bodybuilding non è terminato, ha continuato ad allenarsi e da qualche anno a questa parte si occupa delle competizioni della PCA ( Physical Culture Association ) in America.
Poco prima di natale, Ian Harrison ha deciso di raccontare sui social la sua situazione di salute. verso la fine di novembre 2020, il campione pro ifbb ha iniziato a sentirsi poco bene e i sintomi che aveva erano legati allo stomaco. Per questo ha deciso di fare alcune visite, ma quando i medici hanno iniziato a visitarlo hanno capito che il vero problema di quei dolori non era lo stomaco ma il cuore. Per questo motivo hanno deciso di ricoverarlo subito e di iniziare a risolvere il problema di Ian Harrison. Da quello che racconta, oggi, Ian Harrison è tornato a casa dopo essere stato per un lungo periodo ( 20 giorni ) in ospedale. I medici hanno deciso di mettergli sei bypass.
guarda un paio di foto di Ian Harrison pro ifbb
Durante nel suo post ( che trovate in fondo a questo articolo ) Ian Harrison, non attribuisce l’attacco di cuore al bodybuilding, visto che il campione ha smesso di gareggiare all’età di 28 anni, e che dal giorno dopo l’ultima gara, Ian Harrison ha continuato a mangiare bene, come ha sempre fatto negli anni in cui gareggiava ( quindi una dieta povera di grassi ). Ma pensa, che simili problemi cardiaci possano venire a tutti. E che con l’avanzare dell’età ( Ian Harrison è nato nel 1969 ) può capitare a tutti.
Dobbiamo ammettere che Ian Harrison è ancora giovane, ad oggi ( 2021 ) ha 52 anni, quindi ha ancora moltissimi anni di vita davanti a lui. e noi del blog ultimatebeefmagazine.com gli auguriamo ancora moltissimi anni di avventure nel bodybuilding ( come promoter ) e fuori. siamo sicuri che presto Ian Harrison ( che adesso è tornato a casa ) starà di nuovo bene.
il messaggio su facebook di Ian Harrison
Heart attack announcement
Well what a year 2020 has been for many of us, myself included.
With a global pandemic and so many other things affecting 2020 worldwide.Approximately 6 weeks ago I began having bad acid reflux pains and attacks approximately every other day which caused me to lose my voice and cause me a lot of pain and vomiting.
I researched the symptoms but no changes in diet seemed to work.
I therefore made an appointment to see a gastroenterologist to find out what was going on.So fast forward to Dec 7th.
Once the gastroenterologist saw me he immediately sent me to the ER to get my heart checked out. They did an EKG and within 5 mins I was in a room surrounded by Doctors and nurses X-ray machines and having multiple tests all confirming my heart was running to 50% of its capacity. Apparently I had been having multiple heart attacks for the past 3 weeks not acid reflux!!!No it couldn’t be , I was this super fit ex bodybuilder who ran the PCA , they must be mistaken right ?
No !I have trained all my life and always eaten a bodbuilding based healthy low fat diet, retired from competitive bodybuilding at 28, so obviously this came as an extreme shock and embarrassment to me.
On December 7th I had emergency open heart surgery , I had two heart attacks on the operating table and 6 bypasses were performed.
I spent two weeks in ICU due to some complications (pneumonia) in which time due to confusion I ripped out my own intubation tubes twice which caused many problems and caused me to be in the ICU having a machine breathe for me for two weeks and a week recovering in the cardiology ward.I can honestly say this was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me.
Btw there is NO history of this in my family .I came home December 28th. I have a few weeks of hard recovery in front of me but this has really just opened my eyes to many things, one being just how precious and fragile life is, even when we think it could never happen to us the other, enjoy life and never think you are invincible.
As bodybuilders we think we are strong and tough (many are).
We pride ourselves on our dedication to health and fitness many have perished and some are quick to point the finger saying or yeah he abused this or that , when they really don’t know the facts.Over the last few years stories such as mine seem more and more common.
After speaking with all the surgeons it seems the biggest killer in the world bar none is any type of heart disease/ blockage .As the man the behind the PCA USA promoting shows across the country I feel obliged to tell my story.
Bodybuilding did not do this to me but these things are ignored by many.
This should be a healthy sport and life is too short already so I say let’s promote HEALTH AND the great sport of BODYBUILDING.
Not one over the other , enjoy the process of competing and achieving stepping stones as you compete but never forget what’s truly important .
Family, friends, Health and making great memories.
tutte le gare di Ian Harrison
Mr Britain – NABBA, Junior, 1st
Mr Universe – NABBA, Junior, 1st
British Championships – IFBB, Overall Winner
British Championships – IFBB, HeavyWeight, 1st
Grand Prix England – IFBB, 6th
Chicago Pro Championships – IFBB, 8th
Night of Champions – IFBB, 10th
Arnold Classic – IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix England – IFBB, 6th
Grand Prix Germany – IFBB, 7th
Grand Prix Spain – IFBB, 8th
Olympia – IFBB, 14th
San Jose Pro Invitational – IFBB, 3rd
Arnold Classic – IFBB, 11th
Ironman Pro Invitational – IFBB, 10th
San Jose Pro Invitational – IFBB, 8th
Arnold Classic – IFBB, 9th