Quali sono alcune delle frasi che arnold schwarzenegger 7 volte mister olympia ha detto nel corso della sua carriera da mister olympia? in questo articolo ne analizziamo alcune…
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le frasi di arnold schwarzenegger
“If you want to turn a vision into reality, you have to give 100% and never stop believing in your dream.”
“forget the mistake remember the lession”
“money doesn’t make you happy. i now have $ 50 million but i was jus as happy when i had $ 48 million. ”
“Chi mai avrebbe ritenuto possibile compilare un’ #enciclopedia sul #bodybuilding e l’allenamento con sovraccarichi, addirittura con ottocento pagine? In fondo, quanto ci può essere da dire sul sollevare pesanti piastre di metallo? Come dicono, il bodybuilding non è certo Astrofisica”.
” start wide, expand further, and neve look back. ”
when people said “we never want to look like you” arnold replied “don’t worry you never will”
” strength does not come from winning. yout struggles develop your strengths. when you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. ”
“i was in this strange little hotel. i just lost the competition. i cried all night. i was this 21 year old kid. then eventually i kept thinking ‘what am i doing in america?’ i’m here to beat all of the american bodybuilders. i’m here to beat all of the bodybuilders all over th world. so let’s get our act together. there will be payback time. ”
Arnold motivation
“milk is for babies. when you grow up you have to drink beer”
“people only see the results they don’t see the endless hours spent in the gym working, sweating, screaming”
“the worst thing i could be, is the same as everybody else. i’d hate that.”
“if you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results”
“train like an athlete, eat like a nutritionist, sleep like a baby, win lik a champion”
“Be hungry for success, hungry to make your mark, hungry to be seen and to be heard and to have an effect. And as you move up and become successful, make sure also to be hungry for helping others.”
10 rule for life
1. lift weights
2. sleep well
3. eat healthy
4. hope for the best, be ready for the worst
5. stop overthinking
6. take resposability
7. forgive yourself
8. set goals
9. smile more
10. be greateful
“for me life is continuosluy being hungry. the meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achive, to conquer.”
“i want to inspire people i want someone to look at me and say ‘ because of you i didn’t give up'”
“the best activities for your health are pumping and humping”
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tutte le gare di arnold schwarzenegger
Mr Europe , Winner
Mr Universe – NABBA, Tall, 2nd
Mr Universe – NABBA, Overall Winner
Mr Universe – NABBA, Tall, 1st
Universe – IFBB, 2nd
Universe – Pro – NABBA, Overall Winner
Universe – Pro – NABBA, Tall, 1st
Mr Europe – IFBB, Overall Winner
Mr Europe – IFBB, Tall, 1st
Mr International – IFBB, Overall Winner
Mr International – IFBB, Tall, 1st
Olympia – IFBB, 2nd
Universe – IFBB, Overall Winner
Universe – IFBB, Tall, 1st
Universe – Pro – NABBA, Overall Winner
Universe – Pro – NABBA, Tall, 1st
Olympia – IFBB, Winner
Universe – Pro – NABBA, Overall Winner
Universe – Pro – NABBA, Tall, 1st
Mr World – AAU, Professional Overall Winner
Mr World – AAU, Pro Tall, 1st
Olympia – IFBB, Winner
Olympia – IFBB, Winner
Olympia – IFBB, Winner
Olympia – IFBB, Overall Winner
Olympia – IFBB, HeavyWeight, 1st
Olympia – IFBB, Overall Winner
Olympia – IFBB, HeavyWeight, 1st
Olympia – IFBB, Winner