Il primo numero della rivista Muscular Development, in lingua inglese di gennaio 2017, dedica la sua prestigiosa cover al campione egiziano pro ifbb Big Rami.
L’ultima volta che abbiamo visto gareggiare Big Rami in un palco della pro league è stato in occasione dell’Arnold Classic Europe 2016, una settimana dopo il Mister Olympia 2016 di Las Vegas, dove Big Rami è arrivato secondo dietro a Dexter Jackson.
Nel 2017, vedremo Big Rami sicuramente sul palco del Mister Olympia. Il campione, è completamente focalizzato sul fatto che prima o poi raggiungerà quella forma fisica che potrà creare grandi problemi a Heath.
Dal Kuwait, dove si allena da sempre Big Rami, sanno che prima o poi questa cosa diventerà realtà è solo una questione di tempo, e sopratutto di prove. Più gare Big rami partecipa e più i coach del Kuwait, riusciranno a capire come funziona e sopratutto come risponde il fisico di Big Rami, in gara.
Le gare, solo l’unico banco di prova, dove si può veramente capire come reagisce il corpo umano sotto stress e sopratutto dopo mesi di dieta seria.
L’articolo di presentazione dell’editore di Muscular Develoment è il seguente:
When Phil Heath won his sixth Mr. Olympia title last September, history was made. The man nicknamed “The Gift” cemented his feet firmly among bodybuilding’s elite and entered iconic status as a multiple Sandow winner. Phil reached another milestone in his distinguished bodybuilding career: his number of Olympia wins equals that of an icon from the past, the great Dorian Yates. It would seem that Phil is unstoppable, with talk of winning 10 Sandows. Is there any bodybuilder who is man enough to stand in his way?
The bodybuilding landscape is changing, with some top pros losing ground and a host of newer contenders jostling to take their places in 2017. As Heath reigns supreme as the top bodybuilder on the planet, are we about to see a new generation of bodybuilders such as Big Ramy, William Bonac, Justin Compton, Nathan De asha and Dallas McCarver make their mark? Bodybuilding historian Peter McGough breaks out his bodybuilding crystal ball in “As the Bodybuilding World Turns”. Peter examines whether 2017 will witness a changing of the guard.
If you’re a bodybuilder or even a serious weight trainer, you probably want a bigger, thicker set of pecs. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s mighty chest was so thick, so full and had so much “pop” to it that Arnold inspired millions of men the world over to start pumping iron. In “Train Chest Like the Best!” Get tips and routines from Arnold and other champion bodybuilders who have built the best chests ever.
Nathan De asha is a breakthrough star who has already proven himself to be a true contender in just his rookie year, winning the IFBB Toronto Pro and IFBB Lou Ferrigno Legacy in 2016. Nathan is one of those rare men who combines mass, shape and aesthetics with full muscle bellies flaring off tiny joints. Learn more about him in “Beware The Prophecy! Nathan De asha Is a One-Man British Invasion”.
Dexter Jackson has been an inspiration to millions with his total package of mass, structure, shape, symmetry, proportion and condition, along with masterful posing presentation. Just after placing third at the 2016 Mr. Olympia, Jackson made history by winning his 26th pro show, the Arnold Classic Europe, and becoming the winningest pro bodybuilder in the history of our sport. And if that wasn’t enough to solidify his record, he finished the season off with win number 28 at the Mr. Olympia Europe show in Germany! Read Dexter’s amazing story of longevity and excellence in “Dexter Jackson: Bodybuilder of the Century! The Blade Has the Most Wins of All Time”.
Muscular Development is your number-one source for building muscle, and for the latest cutting-edge research and best science to enable you to train smart and effectively. Every issue of MD is packed with authoritative information on gaining size, burning fat, increasing strength, achieving optimal health and maximizing performance. 2016 was a banner year for research on training, nutrition and fat loss, and we have compiled the “Top 30 Research Breakthroughs of 2016”.
For more tips on improving performance, our team of physicians, industry experts and research scientists has prepared “Research Review: Best of 2016” reports for all of MD’s science departments: Fat Attack, Nutrition Performance, Supplement Performance, Muscle Growth Update, M.A.X. Muscle Plan, Testosterone and Bodybuilding Science. Check out the research in this month’s MD, written by the best bodybuilding minds in the business, and build the best physique possible in 2017.
The rest of the book is packed to the binder as usual— making MD your one-stop, most authoritative source for optimizing muscular development with the latest cutting-edge research on training, nutrition, fat loss, performance-enhancing drugs, muscle growth and bodybuilding science— and exclusive information from the industry experts, insiders and bodybuilding legends who make it all happen. See you next month!
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