Nathan De Asha conquista la cover del numero di Maggio 2018 di Muscular Development

Il vincitore del New York PRO IFBB 2018, conquista la cover della prestigiosa rivista di New York: Muscular Development del numero di Maggio 2018. Leggi questo articolo per conoscere meglio Nathan De Asha!
sembra quasi fatto apposta, anche se è solo una questione di fortuna. Muscular Development, ha dedicato la cover della sua prestigiosa rivista, al campione Nathan De Asha, che come sappiamo ha vinto due competizioni di seguito a maggio.
i successi di Nathan
Prima ha battuto Juan Morel sul palco del 2018 New York PRO IFBB e poi una settimana dopo in Californa, ha vinto nuovamente la competizione California PRO IFBB, portando un fisico completamente differente e molto migliorato rispetto a New York.
Ho scritto che “sembra fatto apposta”, visto che oggi Nathan De Asha è il campione del momento. Ma come sicuramente saprete, le riviste sono realizzate mesi in anticipo quando ancora non era chiaro che avrebbe gareggiato a New York.
una passeggiata a NY
Anche lo stesso Nathan De Asha, non era sicuro al 100% di gareggiare a New York, come ha raccontato in questa intervista, ha iniziato la preparazione solamente sei settimane prima dello show di New York.
road to MR O
Oggi, Nathan De Asha è qualificato per il prossimo Mr Olympia 2018, e la gara di Las Vegas ha un significato diverso per questo atleta britannico. Infatti, se per molti qualificarsi all’Olympia è un punto di arrivo, per Nathan non è così.
una conferma
Ma piuttosto è una conferma. quest’anno a Las Vegas gli occhi saranno puntati su di lui, non tanto per la vittoria ottenuta New York, ma per il fatto che lo scorso anno, Nathan De Asha ha ottenuto il settimo posto in classifica, per pochi punti non ha sfiorato la top six.
e quest’anno, da lui ci aspettiamo molte cose, prima di tutto una conferma. Sicuramente molti lo vogliono vedere in top six, ma ovviamente, le gare sono gare e lo sappiamo tutti e si vincono solo se i miglioramenti ci sono.
Ma questo non basta, bisogna anche mostrare quella condizione ( che a New York ) è mancata, almeno nel pregara. Quindi se Nathan vuole arrivare in top six, o top three, come ha dichiarato in questa intervista rilasciata subito dopo la vittoria, il suo fisico deve essere migliore di quello mostrato a New York.
tiraggio sempre!
All’Olympia non si scherza. Il livello di preparazione è uno dei fattori chiave per raggiungere la top six. E solamente i migliori dei migliori, possono entrare a far parte di questa cerchia esclusiva.
la presentazione del numero di maggio 2018 di MD
Qui sotto potete leggere la presentazione del numero di Maggio 2018 della rivista Muscular Development.
Oxygen Gym in Kuwait has taken on a mythic status in the bodybuilding world. It’s the muscle palace across the globe where champions like Big Ramy and Ahmad Ashkanani were forged, and where pros like Roelly Winklaar and Brandon Curry took their physiques to entirely new levels thanks to the perfect training environment. Nathan De asha made similarly stunning progress in the two and a half years in Kuwait since he first made the pilgrimage in November of 2016, taking his stage weight from 222 to 264 pounds. In what shocked many in the bodybuilding industry, Nathan broke the news on MD’s “The Ronline Report” in mid-March that he decided to no longer stay and train in Kuwait and that he would strike out on his own. As Nathan stated:
“It was an amazing two and a half years. I can’t thank Bader Boodai and my coach Ahmad Askar enough. It was the best couple of years of my bodybuilding career.”
Nathan De asha has quickly become one of the IFBB Pro League’s fastest-rising stars. He is now prepping for his first show of the year, the New York Pro on May 19, and recently signed with MuscleMeds. Read about what motivated Nathan De asha’s move, the reason he skipped this year’s Arnold Classic, and what Nathan’s next step will be in “The Prophecy, Book 2.”
No body part captures the collective attention of bodybuilders quite like the arms. We love to build them, we love to show them off, and we admire and covet exceptional arm development in others. This special “arm issue” of Muscular Development is filled with training information from the industry’s top pros on how to get bigger biceps and triceps.
Breon Ansley recently cemented his status as the best Classic Physique pro alive. Not only is he the reigning Olympia champion, but at this year’s Arnold Classic, Breon emerged victorious among a stacked lineup of 31 men to become the first Arnold Classic champion in the newly added Classic Physique division. Part of what sealed the win for Breon was his phenomenal arm development. His jagged, mountain peak biceps and sweeping horseshoe triceps were carved and split with chasms of intricate detail. Learn how he crafted them in“Classic Arm Training – With Classic Physique Olympia and Arnold Classic Champion Breon Ansley.”
21-inch arms are the Holy Grail in bodybuilding. Whether you aspire to become Mr. Olympia one day, or have no intentions of getting any closer to a stage than your local beach, huge, round biceps and thick, hanging triceps are a prized possession— but only a chosen few ever reach or surpass the 21-inch arm mark. Increase your chances of achieving this elite status by putting into practice “21 Tips for 21-inch Arms!”
“Big Guns Secrets of the Pros” is a collection of valuable advice, tips and lessons on building the biceps and triceps from eight top names in bodybuilding. Listen to what they have to say, and get bigger arms!
Getting ripped, lean and staying that way is a daily challenge for many— but it comes easier when you have the knowledge to empower you to make nutritional, exercise and lifestyle changes. “The Science of Getting Ripped: 25 Cutting-Edge Research Findings” has the best information to help you get shredded.
Muscular Development is your number one source for building muscle, and for the latest research and best science to enable you to train smart and effectively. Our team of physicians, industry experts and research scientists has these reports on improving performance this month:
– “Fat-Loss Supplements: What Works and What Doesn’t”Fat Attack
– “Top 3 Post-workout Nutrients: Leucine, Creatine, Betaine” Nutrition Performance
– “I Love Leucine – Most Potent BCAA: the Anabolic Trigger” Supplement Performance
– “Can Light Weights Enhance Muscle Growth?” Muscle Growth Update
– “Deca Dick Explained at Last!” Testosterone
– “Advantage of Total-Body Workouts: Do Bodybuilders Have It Wrong?” Bodybuilding Science
The rest of the book is packed to the binder as usual— making MD your one-stop, most authoritative source for optimizing muscular development with the latest cutting-edge research on training, nutrition, fat loss, performance-enhancing drugs, muscle growth and bodybuilding science— and exclusive information from the industry experts, insiders and bodybuilding legends who make it all happen. See you next month!