il numero di MD di gennaio 2019, dedica la cover della rivista a Roelly Winklaar PRO IFBB

Cosa troveremo sul numero di Gennaio 2019 della mitica e bellissima rivista americana in lingua inglese MD? La cover del primo numero del 2019 è completamente dedicata a Rolley Winklaar PRO IFBB, il campione della gente dell’Olympia 2018. Ma oltre a questo ci sono tante news per gli appassionati del bodybuilding PRO IFBB… scopri i protagonisti di questo mese!
come raccontato in questo articolo, che ho postato qualche giorno fa nella sezione dedicata all’Arnold Classic Ohio 2019, Roelly Winklaar pro ifbb è diventato il campione della gente, grazie ai voti che i fans del bodybuilding, presenti al Las Vegas per assistere al Mr Olympia 2018. Ron Harris, che ha intervistato Roelly Winklaar, qualche settimana prima che uscisse il line up ufficiale della manifestazione di Columbus, si è scusato pubblicamente con Roelly Winklaar, perchè la rivista per cui lavora da molti anni ormai, ha definito il campione della gente ( per l’Olympia 2018 ), il 2 volte campione del New York PRO IFBB Big Rami, che quest’anno all’Olympia 2018, ha ottenuto il sesto posto in classifica.
La cover del numero di gennaio 2019, primo numero del nuovo anno, ha come cover proprio la foto di Roelly Winklaar, campione della gente, che ha conquistato il terzo posto in classifica al mr Olympia 2018, portando sul palco un fisico completamente nuovo e con una forma migliorata rispetto al passato.
guarda la cover di Muscular Development di Gennaio 2019

road to 2019 Arnold Classic Ohio
Winklaar, quest’anno gareggerà sul palco dell’Arnold Classic Ohio 2019, perchè sono passati 10 anni da quando ha vinto la sua pro card, proprio in Ohio, all’Arnold Classic Amateur.
Nicolas Vullioud dalla Svizzera
Il nuovo numero, però non parla solo di Roelly Winklaar, ma anche di altri PRO IFBB. Primo tra tutti, la rivelazione del 2018, in ambito Europeo, ovvero il campione svizzero, allenato da Patrick Tour, Nicolas Vullioud, atleta che nel 2018, ha vinto il suo pro pro show, a Tampa in Agosto e che ha partecipato, per la prima volta al mr Olympia 2018, nella 212 division. in questo articolo postato qualche tempo fa, abbiamo parlato di come Nicolas Vullioud, allena le spalle a poche ore dal pregara, in una palestra di Las Vegas aperta 24 ore al giorno.
Derek Lunsford il prossimo mr O?
un altro articolo che potrebbe essere particolarmente interessante leggere è quello sul Derek Lunsford, pro ifbb americano, che negli ultimi due anni della sua carriera da pro ifbb si è fatto notare moltissimo grazie al fatto che è diventato un finalista del mr Olympia nella 212 division. e Nel 2018, Derek ha ottenuto il secondo posto dietro a Flex Lewis, alla sua ultima partecipazione alla gara 212 division. Sulla carta, Derek Lunsford può essere il prossimo mr Olympia, ma tutto, ovviamente dipende da come si presenta sul palco di gara.
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ecco la presentazione del nuovo numero della rivista MD:
Bodybuilding has had its share of “People’s Champions” through the years, outstanding pros who never won a Mr. Olympia, but were often more popular than the men who held that title. Bodybuilding legends such as Tom Platz, Flex Wheeler, Rich Gaspari, Kevin Levrone and Kai Greene all captured the hearts of the fans and have an enduring legacy in the history of our sport. While People’s Champions have lived in the minds of bodybuilding fans for generations, now we have an official, bona fide champion of the people: The Dutch Beast, Roelly Winklaar is honored on our cover for this month (January 2019) and at this time is preparing for his appearance at the Arnold Classic in March for a hopeful Arnold Classic win!
Winklaar was the first recipient of the People’s Champion award at the 2018 Mr. Olympia contest, awarded to the man the fans in the audience voted as their favorite athlete. Winklaar went on that same night to take his highest placing ever (third) at the biggest bodybuilding show in the world. In “Roelly Winklaar: The People’s Champion!” Roelly talks about how he trained to look his best ever for a fantastic 2018 season that included winning the Arnold Classic Australia.
Roelly Winklaar is an example of what dedication, focus and consistent training can achieve— and you can take a cue from him and apply the same principles to jump-start your own workouts. All elite athletes train on a structured regimen with the goal of improving performance. You may not have a seven-figure contract to play football or baseball, or an IFBB pro card, but the same principle applies. To have a better physique, you can’t just wing it and hope for the best. You need a plan, and MD’s Ron Harris lays it out in “Make 2019 Your Bitch! Your Guide to Building Muscle and Burning Fat All Year Long”
Switzerland has not produced an abundance of great bodybuilders other than Jean-Pierre Fux, one of the pioneering mass monsters of the ‘90s. Now, it has given us a new freak for the 212 division, 27-year-old Nicolas Vullioud. He has the type of thick, dense muscle rarely seen outside the open ranks, with some of the craziest arms, legs and delts in the game today. “I can really make my mark in the 212 division. Flex and Jose are gone, and I want to be part of the next generation of top 212 competitors,” he tells us in “Swiss-Made Muscle: Switzerland’s Nicolas Vullioud Is Rocketing Up the 212 Ranks”
Now that seven-time 212 Olympia champion James “Flex” Lewis has ended his stellar reign in the 212 division, who will succeed the Welsh Dragon? It could be 25-year-old Derek Lunsford, runner-up at last year’s 212 Olympia. Derek burst on the pro scene like a meteor in 2017, winning the 212 division at the Tampa Pro just seven days after turning pro via an overall win at the NPC USA Championships, then scoring a spot in the elite top five at the 212 Olympia just six weeks later. Derek is on an upward trajectory that could land him on top of Mount Olympus, as we learn in “Heir Apparent: Will Derek Lunsford Be the Next Olympia 212 Champ?”
2018 was a momentous year in bodybuilding. What will happen in 2019? Will Shawn Rhoden be a multiple Mr. Olympia champion? Will Phil Heath get his title back? Will Derek Lunsford take the 212 throne? Those possibilities and more are pondered in “2019: Predictions and Questions: What Does the Year in Muscle Have in Store For Us?”
Muscular Development is your number one source for building muscle, and for the latest research and best science to enable you to train smart and effectively. Our team of physicians, industry experts and research scientists has these reports on improving performance this month:
“The Ultimate Get Ripped Anabolic Stack”Fat Attack
“Keto Diets Reduce Athletic Performance” Nutrition Performance
“Leucine: #1 Muscle Growth Activator for 2019” Supplement Performance,
“Blast Your Bench Press Past the Sticking Point in 2019” Muscle Growth Update
“Anabolic Research Update” Testosterone,
“Try Kaatsu Training for Greater Muscle Growth in 2019” Bodybuilding Science.
The rest of the book is packed to the binder as usual— making MD your one-stop, most authoritative source for optimizing muscular development with the latest cutting-edge research on training, nutrition, fat loss, performance-enhancing drugs, muscle growth and bodybuilding science— and exclusive information from the industry experts, insiders and bodybuilding legends who make it all happen. See you next month!
Ci saranno tantissimi articoli di questo nuovo numero di MD, appena avremo modo di leggere la rivista, sarete i primi a sapere la nostra opinione!